Genius Hour Proposal

Hello World!

     Below you will find the topic that I will be further exploring throughout this blog! As I mentioned in my slideshow, I am focusing on this topic because I truly believe it is important for everyone to be aware of mental health. Through being aware of our mental health, we are able to work towards mental wellness! This mental wellness, in turn, will help in creating a positive outlook and healthy mindset for everyone. 

     Google slides is an amazing tool to use within the classroom since it can be used for educational purposes like creating a summary of a topic that is being covered in class that day, or by having students create their own presentations for any project. This provides any creator with the opportunity to visually create a product that can be used to display and/or discuss any topic of their choice. It is useful that it is easy to use, and easy to manipulate it in a way to display what you want! 

Logging off for now!
- Miss. Wighton

Image result for mental wellness
Choy, L. (2018, November 07). Science of Mental Wellness – Thrive Global – Medium. Retrieved from

"Emotional Pain is not something that should be hidden away and never spoken about. There is truth in your pain, there is growth in your pain, but only if it's first brought out into the open" - Steven Aitchison


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