Genius Hour Trailer

Hello world! 

      Since first being introduced to my Genius Hour proposal you would know that I am focusing on the steps that I can take to promote mental health and wellness in the classroom (both for my students and myself/peers). This topic is important to me because if students are not feeling well or are being faced with too many outside factors their readiness to learn will be impacted, in this case, students will be more likely to withdraw and disengage from their learning - something that, as educators, we don't want to happen! Not only is it important to consider our students' wellbeing as this can impact their growth and success (in this case their likelihood of reaching their full potential), but when teachers are not feeling well it is difficult to perform our jobs in a meaningful and impactful way.

     Now you can see why it is important for me to look into this topic! Check out my Powtoon creation that presents a sneak peak into my Genius Hour Project. 🙂

I hope you join me on this journey to not only learn more about Mental Health and Wellness, but to also learn about the ways that you can promote this for your students and even yourself! 

     Before I log off, I do want to briefly mention the benefits of incorporating PowToon into the classroom! This resource can be used in so many different ways to promote student learning - but most importantly, this provides the opportunity to create fun and engaging videos to help present lessons for students (i.e. advertisement style, infographics, YouTube format, etc.), but it can also be used by your students! This allows for a fun and create way to present your information. Not only that, it is beneficial for students who tend to be shy, especially when presenting in front of their peers, as this provides the opportunity to record audio into the presentation! As you can see there are so man reasons why we should use PowToon in the classroom, but here are some more:
  • There is a help tool that guides you when confused and/or lost (you feel as though you have someone helping you when something isn't work)
  • Promotes creativity 
  • Allows for differentiated learning
  • Engages students in their learning 
  • Brings fun and excitement into learning and the classroom 
  • Develops 21st Century Skills (i.e. Media and Digital literacy) 

Logging off for now!
- Miss. Wighton 

"Your mental health is a priority. Your happiness is an essential. Your self-care is a necessity." - Anonymous

Image result for mental health gifs
Hart, E. (10 October, 2016). World Mental Health Day. Retrieved from


  1. Hey Miss Wighton,

    Your genius hour was very engaging and very informative! Throughout your trailer I was ALWAYS engaged because your topic focuses on ways to improve our classrooms, ourselves, and our students. It made me think about how I can improve both my students and my own mental health. Mental health is a very important topic that is being discussed worldwide and needs to be addressed within our classrooms. Your video also presented you topic very clearly. It was evident that you were discussing mental health and that you were focusing on an educator’s perspective. I was able to understand your genius hour question and your goals of this project through the text you choose to use!

    Once the video was done, I wanted to learn more about your topic and continue reading your blog! I loved all the creative choices that you made throughout this trailer such as your character, your backgrounds, the choice of text, and even your placement of text. These elements made the video fun, engaging, and even helped convey your message. It was able to make me want to learn more and stay on your blog which is amazing!

    Your Genius Hour Project page was very easy to find. Your tabs at the top of the blog made it easy to find your trailer! Your trailer does not include any citations; however, you did not use any media that needed citations. Therefore, you are clear in that department! I cannot wait to continue looking at your blog and using it to build my own teacher toolkit with respect to mental health!

    Amazing Work!

  2. Hi Alex!

    I truly enjoyed watching your movie trailer! I think your trailer effectively demonstrates the importance of mental health awareness, and how it is crucial to offer support and resources to both educators and students alike. Within our future classrooms, we must ensure that we are taking care of ourselves and our students as best as possible to maximize teaching and learning processes.

    In terms of design elements, I think you did a great job designing your character, utilizing text fonts, and incorporating special effects for props. Each aspect of your trailer smoothly transitioned into one another, and your choice of music was very uplifting!

    Overall, your trailer looks awesome! All the best with the rest of your research!

  3. Hey Alex,

    I really enjoyed your movie trailer! I thought that your trailer offered a very detailed look at your Genius Hour Project topic and gave the viewer a clear idea of your focus. I liked how you used many different coloured backgrounds and stylistic elements to make your trailer look as creative as possible! I noticed that your trailer is embedded on your Genius Hour Project page without overlapping other areas of your blog - great job! I look forward to hearing about your journey.

  4. Hey Alex!

    I loved your movie trailer! Specifically, I really enjoyed how you included the areas that overwhelm new teachers, instead of just leaving it up to the imagination. I thought the theme you chose for your trailer complimented your Genius Hour Topic as the character is a teacher and takes place at school, while incorporating a chalkboard, super cute! I also liked how you included your goals, which is important, as it paints a picture of what to expect and also helps to keep you on track during such a busy time at school! Loved your blog layout and trailer. Great work!

  5. Hello Ms.Wighton!

    I really enjoyed going through your movie trailer! Not only was the format you chose engaging, but I also found that your movie trailer was very organized and easy to follow. I believe that not only does it show your effectiveness in instruction (an essential skill for teaching) but it also allowed me to gain a better understanding of your genius project and how important it is to you as an educator. I

    Fantastic Job!

  6. Hi Ms. Wighton,

    I loved watching your Movie Trailer and I felt you did an effective job at conveying your genius hour topic. I liked how you used a variety of design elements to engage the audience such as your visuals, effects, and music. I found it very informative and an interesting topic that I would also like to learn more about! Great job and I'm looking forward to reading all the research you have done!


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