Hello World! 

Welcome to the final post for my Genius Hour project! This post will be centered around a TEDTalk style video to share not only my motivation and walk you through my research journey throughout the project, but to also share my findings and consider the impacts this will have for the future. 


There's No Shame in Mental Health: How to Promote Mental Health For All

Here is my TEDTalk for my Genius Hour Project. Enjoy! 🙂

Here is my Genius Hour TEDTalk! I had so much fun with this genius hour project and through this project it allowed for me to gather tips and tricks that I can bring into my own classroom. I personally enjoyed having the opportunity to take part in my own self-directed learning as it allowed for me to take part in a learning activity that didn't feel like "homework." While making a video like this felt strange, it was a great learning opportunity because it allowed for me to find more tools (in this case I used iMovie on my iPad to create this) that I can bring into my own classroom to inspire and encourage student learning! This was such a fun and creative way to consolidate my own learning, while also providing me with the opportunity to share my learning in an innovative way.

Hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching! 🙂
Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below, I would love to hear what you have to say!

Logging off! 
- Miss. Wighton

Related image
PSHE - Mental Health. (N.D.). Retrieved from https://www.aberfordprimaryschool.co.uk/blog/2018-01-22-09-55-01-pshe-mental-health

"Never let the opinions of others become the measure of your self worth" - Anonymous


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