Genius Hour Reflection #3: Strategies for Teachers and Benefits of Mental Wellness

Hello World and Welcome Back! 

This is my week 3 reflection on integrating Mental Health and Wellness strategies into the classroom for my students, and for myself (as well other educators). Last week I focused on developing strategies that I can use to promote mental health and wellness of my students. That post looked at the possible signs of students struggling with their mental health, and also I researched different types of strategies that can be used to promote and develop a strong mental health. Through promoting mental health and wellness will lead to the success of all students! This week I will now be focusing on the strategies that teachers can use to look after their own mental health. As teachers it is important that we are also taking care of ourselves to ensure that we are able to help our students, and with this I will be able to determine the benefits of mental wellness. 

Image result for mental wellness gifs
Postitforward. (25 May, 2016). Retrieved from
     Mental health can impact anyone, regardless of age, sex, gender, etc. Just as it is important to consider the mental health of our students, especially since this can impact students learning and engagement in the classroom, it is also important that as teachers we are looking after our own mental health. If we are overworking ourselves and even facing our own pressures will impact the ways in which we are able to teach and help our students. To be the teacher that helps every student and works to make a difference in their lives is not only one who is passionate and informed about subjects, but it is also one who is healthy (both mentally and physically).

     Over the years there has been an increased rate in teacher burnout, which can be partially linked to the effects of mental health and the lack of time spent taking care of themselves. With this in mind, there has been a rise in talking about stress, mental health and work-life - with all of these factors there is an emphasis on managing and taking care of one's wellbeing as this is essential for all! The video found below mentions the effects of teacher stress and health, check it out to develop a better understanding and need for taking care of one's mental health for teachers.

        This video that is found on YouTube is meant to bring awareness and attention to the effects of stress and health on not only teachers, but on their students and schools. It doesn't impact only one person, as it has been assumed to be over time, rather it can impact everyone! This emphasizes the importance of ensuring that teachers are finding ways and being provided with resources and tools that they can use to help take care of themselves - meaning they are able to address and cope with various pressures and even their own health. Through opening this conversation, not only does it emphasize the importance of being aware of how we, as teachers are feeling, but it also recognizes the impacts that our stress and health can have on those around us.

Here are some strategies described by "Managing Stress" (N.D.) that teachers can use to monitor and assist in managing and coping with stress and mental health concerns:
  • Remember what your purpose is! - Doing things that remind you of why you became a teacher is beneficial in helping you work through your stresses, especially if this is something that you are passionate about, it provides you with a reason to manage and cope with the stress. 
  • Growth Mindset - just like we are teaching our students, it is important that we are also using a Growth Mindset as it helps with trying new things and accepting mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. 
  • Separate work from home - giving yourself that divide between work and home allows for you to 'unplug' 
  • Use apps if feeling overwhelmed or stressed (especially apps that promote mindfulness) - Headspace, Mindshift, etc. 
  • Establish good sleeping habits - establishing a sleep schedule is necessary as it allows for the body to rest and recover during the night, all of which has ties in maintaining your physical and mental health. 
  • Goal setting (make sure these goals are realistic and achievable, but still have a level of challenge to them) 
  • Don't forget about your friends - having someone to go to is important because it allows for you to have someone to vent to and refocus your thoughts 
    • Encourage open communication 
  • If needed talking to a therapist can help as it provides a non-biased outlook 
  • Love yourself (i.e. self-care) - while we are teaching our students to teat themselves and others with kindness and respect, it is important that we are doing that to ourselves. Through treating yourself with kindness and respect helps with alleviating stress and pressure that is being placed on ourselves because we are looking out for ourselves ("University Health Service." N.D.).
  • Take care of you body - this can be done through eating healthy foods, drinking water, exercise, sleep, etc. ("University Health Service." N.D.)
  • Find ways to help cope with stress - this can be done through using one-minute stress strategies (trust me these are extremely useful and beneficial!), nature walks, journalling, do things you enjoy (especially those that make you smile and laugh) ("University Health Service." N.D.). 
  • Practice relaxation exercises - yoga, mindfulness, meditation, etc.
  • Practice time management skills 
  • Don't procrastinate
  • Limit caffeine as this could potentially increase stress response in your body ("Managing Stress" N.D.)
  • Pace yourself - avoid from overworking yourself by taking your time and knowing your limits!
  • Provide yourself with time to step away and disconnect 
  • Laughter - haven't you heard? Laughter is the key to everything 😉
     Each of these strategies can work to improve the mental wellbeing and health of teachers as it finds ways to cope with various stressors and factors that can be impacting our everyday life. It is necessary to find ways to limit and reduce the stress and pressure that we are placing on our minds and our bodies because it can impact how we are teaching our students, as well how we are interacting with everyone - when we aren't in the right mindset we are unable to perform our jobs to the highest degree.

Urban, K. (n.d.). Does Exercise Affect the Brain's Aging Process? U-M Research Aims to Find Out. Retrieved from

     As a result, throughout these strategies that I have been uncovering throughout the past few weeks has only further emphasized the importance of promoting mental health and wellness. Taking care of our mental health results in several benefits as "Physical Activity, Sport and Mental Health" (N.D.) describes:
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Positive outlook and mood
  • Less stress and pressure
  • Clear thinking 
  • Calmness
  • Self-esteem is increased 
  • Higher levels of enjoying life and having fun 
  • More sleep 
  • Increased levels of energy 
     Throughout this period, not only was I able to further add to my knowledge surrounding ways in which I can not only improve my students mental health and wellbeing, but I can also improve my own as a teacher. These strategies and tools are ones that will not only help me, but I could also provide to my friends who are also going into the education field - this will help students in managing and coping their stress. Throughout this research, I found it to be easier than my previous research as there are several different resources posted that are emphasizing the importance of managing teacher stress, but not only that, the benefits that come from a positive and strong mental health. This made it easier to research and build my knowledge, granted I already knew most of these from my own experiences, but it was still beneficial in expanding my own learning while still building my 'toolkit'. 

Feel free to share your thoughts below, I would love to hear what everyone thinks! 🙂

Logging off for now! 
- Miss Wighton

Related image
Giphy. (N.D.). Meditation GIF. Retrieved from

"You can't control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen" - Kody Kiplinger


Devon, N. (1 March, 2016). How to Promote Good Mental Health Among Teachers and Students in 
     your School. Retrieved from

Managing Stress. (N.D.). Retrieved from

Tips for Teacher Wellbeing. (N.D.). Retrieved from

University Health Service. (N.D.). Retrieved from

Physical Activity, Sport and Mental Health. (N.D.). Retrieved from
